Turtles of the Fuqua Conservatory and Orchid Center, Part 1
Visitors to the Atlanta Botanical Garden are often surprised to learn there are so many turtles living in the 'Gardens Under Glass' — the conservatory and orchid center. The turtles, frogs, salamanders and birds in the conservatory create a natural feeling inside, while reminding us that all living things — plants and animals alike — need each other in order to survive. A Red-eared slider and an Eastern painted turtle basking in the OC. There are 7 species of turtle and you can find them in every room in the conservatory (Tropical rotunda, High elevation house and Low elevation house) Rhinoclemmys , Central American box turtles live in the front of the rotunda and have (over the last 5 years or so) Had one baby Rhino ... the smallest and most colorful of the 4 turtles you might find. And lastly, (as this is only part one) we have Pink-belly side-neck turtles in the OC pond. Side-neck turtles represent a large group of turtles, restricted to the southern hemisphere...