Inside the New Exhibits | part 2 — Costa Rica
The 'new' frog exhibits: Frogs and Plants of Panama (left), the Amazon (center) and Costa Rica (right) as they look in May 2012 (this post has been back-dated) (Continued from Part 1) I started with the Costa Rica exhibit — the first exhibit one sees as they approach. Dante and I decided to try three tricky (shy) species all in the same exhibit: Glass frogs ( Cochranella granulosa ), Lemur frogs ( Agalychnis lemur ) and Green and black poison frogs ( Dendrobates auratus ). We had never tried to display either Glass frogs or Lemur frogs before, despite having worked with both groups for many years at the Garden. I have to imagine this is because they are nocturnal and extremely shy. Glass frogs, for instance, are not only shy, but are transparent! Terrible qualities for selecting an animal to exhibit. Lemur frogs are also challenging as during the day they disappear, seemingly adhered to the underside of leaves. Even Green and bl...