Hope is raised for Gopher frogs in South Georgia!
Recently, the very first adult Gopher frog ( Lithobates capito ) was detected at the release site, where the Garden, in collaboration with UGA, GA DNR's Non-Game Conservation section, Zoo Atlanta, Jones Ecological Research Center and Bear Hollow Zoo have all been working towards increasing the numbers of these endangered frogs with a multi-institutional 'head-starting' program. Over 4,000 Gopher froglets and tadpoles have been released since 2007, and the detection of this adult female, right where it should be in a Gopher tortoise burrow is very encouraging! The adult female Gopher frog, detected Nov 1st at the release site (photo by Vanessa Kinney Terrell) Below is the statement from Georgia Department of Natural Resources: Discovery raises hopes for rare frogs project in Early County Unlike some sights on Halloween, spotting a big gopher frog after dark in a tortoise burrow was a welcome surprise for Vanessa Kinney Terrell and other University of Georg...