
Showing posts from January, 2016

#Cruziohyla craspedopus, the Fringed Leaf Frog on exhibit this morning in the Fuqua Conservatory lobby. #Cruziohylacraspedopus #Phyllomedusinae #LeafFrog #LeafFrogs #AmphibianExhibit #Atlantabg

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The same three #Axolotl eggs from a few days ago. They are developing nicely. The gills are already visible on the middle embryo. #salamanders #salamander #paedomorphosis #neotenic #CaptiveBreeding

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Black-eyed Leaf Frog, #Agalychnis moreletii a beautiful species of #LeafFrog in the sub-family #Phyllomedusinae

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The first #cleavage of #gastrulation in developing #Axolotl embryos. A majority of these things #paedomorphic salamanders will be released in the High Elevation House in the Orchid Center! This is the first of probably several reproductive events of the winter! Only 267 eggs, so just a warm up. #Ambystoma #Ambystomamexicanum #CaptiveBreeding #Atlantabg

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#Cruziohyla craspedopus, the Fringed Leaf Frog in the #frogLAB in the Amphibian Conservation Program. #LeafFrog #LeafFrogs #Phyllomedusinae

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Rare ventral view of the last known Rabbs' Fringe-limbed Tree Frog, #Ecnomiohyla rabborum. Notice the enormous toe pads and webbing, a #synapomorphy of the group. This frog, believed to be the last of his kind, was recently featured in the documentary #RacingExtinction as well as several #ProjectingChange events.

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'Fire' morph of the Red-eyed Leaf Frog, Agalychnis callidryas. This frog is about the size of a thumb nail. #Agalychnis #LeafFrog #LeafFrogs #Phyllomedusinae #frogLAB

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New Study Helps Scientists Prioritize Frogs at Risk of Extinction

We were excited to be a part of this important study! New Study Helps Smithsonian Scientists Prioritize Frogs at Risk of Extinction : Scientists at the Smithsonian Institution and partners have published a paper that will help them save Panamanian frog species from extinction due to a deadly …

#Bijagual Red-eyed Leaf Frog, Agalychnis callidryas in the conservatory. They are getting so big! We released almost 400 of these frogs, as babies into the conservatory a few months ago and they have grown so much! I think I even heard one calling briefly this morning! #Bijagual Red-eyes have deep maroon eyes (rather than bright red) and have cream and orange tiger stripes down their flanks. A truly beautiful and unique variety of A. callidryas. #Agalychnis #Phyllomedusinae #LeafFrog #LeafFrogs

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Tiger-leg Monkey Frog competes with Red-banded Crevice Creeper for 'coolest common name' #Phyllomedusa tompterna #MonkeyFrog #MonkeyFrogs #Phyllomedusinae #Hylidae #CoolCommonNames

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#Dendrobates auratus, the Green and Black Poison Frog on display in our 'Frogs of Costa Rica' exhibit. All Poison Frogs in the family #Dendrobatidae lose their #toxicity in captivity. #PoisonFrogs

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'Can Zoos Save Amphibians?' An interesting article came out today on by author @jgold85 featuring a beautiful image of #CriticallyEndangered Lemur Leaf Frogs, a species that may be doing better in #CaptiveAssuranceColonies than in the wild, where numbers are still declining.

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#Gastrotheca cornuta, the Eyelash Marsupial Frog from #Panama This handsome male frog was collected as an adult in 2005, so he is at least 12. #What'sThatInFrogYears? #Hemiphractidae #frogPOD

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A trio of Fringed Leaf Frogs, Cruziohyla craspedopus on exhibit in the Fuqua Conservatory lobby in the 'Frogs of the Amazon' display While these frogs are asleep, you can clearly see their elaborate camouflage, making them look more like lichen growing on a leaf then a frog. #camofrog #Cruziohyla #Cruziohylacraspedopus #Phyllomedusinae #LeafFrog #AmphibianExhibit

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The Crowned Tree Frog, #Anotheca spinosa a beautiful #hylid from #Panama We have several generations of these frogs breeding in the #frogPOD

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THE BIOLOGY, MANAGEMENT AND CONSERVATION OF NORTH AMERICAN SALAMANDERS — A TRAINING COURSE Amphibian Ark, Atlanta Botanical Garden and Zoo Atlanta are pleased to announce the Biology, Management and Conservation of North American Salamanders training course. This is destined to be the coolest course ever! The planned course will consist of five days of intensive training, including lectures, hands-on practical exercises, and fieldwork. Topics covered during the course will include: salamander biology, conservation and management; enclosure design and construction; captive breeding techniques; biosecurity and disease control; monitoring and surveys of wild and captive populations; education and scientific engagement. Globally recognized amphibian biologists, veterinarians, and conservationists will comprise course’s faculty. A field trip is arranged at Wharton Center, GA. The course is limited to 20 students. Target audience: Zookeepers, field biologists, grad students, and academics working in salamander conservation and research, especially in captive settings. Location: The course will be held in joint venues at Zoo Atlanta and Atlanta Botanical Garden, Atlanta, Georgia. Dates: April 11th - 15th, 2016 Instructors: Joe Mendelson - Zoo Atlanta, Robert Hill - Zoo Atlanta, Mark Mandica - Atlanta Botanical Garden, Brad Wilson - Atlanta Botanical Garden, Linda Greene - GA Tech, Tim Herman - Indoor Ecosystems, Mark Beshel - Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens, Scott Pfaff - Riverbanks Zoo, Sam Rivera - Zoo Atlanta, Todd Pierson - University of Tennessee, John Maerz - University of Georgia, Sarah Horsley - Zoo Atlanta, Jake Hutton - Kennesaw State University, Crystal Ruble - Conservation Fisheries, inc. Tuition: $700. Covers icebreaker, tuition and materials, lunches and coffee breaks and cookout dinner at Wharton Center Accommodations: Crowne Plaza Hotel, 590 West Peachtree Street NW Atlanta, Georgia 30308. Group rate of $99/night (includes breakfast) Information: For further information please contact Luis Carrillo, Training Officer - #salamander #salamanders #SalamanderConservation #Herpetology

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The #frogPOD is one of our two main amphibian breeding facilities and captive assurance colonies. This biosecure re-proposed shipping container houses rare and critically endangered frog species from central #Panama These frogs were collected as part of a rescue mission in collaboration with Zoo Atlanta in 2005, so the founder animals are at least 12 years old. Some of the species collected were: #Gastrotheca cornuta, #Agalychnis lemur, #Ecnomiohyla rabborum, #Cochranella euknemos and #Sachatamia albomaculata

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Aberrant #azureus form of Dendrobates tinctorius, the Tinging Poison Frog from #Suriname. We have this frog and 5 other juvenile azureus on exhibit, having replaced the two adults who were there previously. D. tinctorius, and especially the azureus form tend to get nasty with each other once they hit puberty. #murderfrogs #Dendrobatidae #PoisonFrogs #Dendrobates #Dendrobatestinctorius

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Black-eyed Leaf Frog, Agalychnis moreletii, a beautiful #LeafFrog in the #frogLAB #Agalychnis #Agalychnismoreletii #Phyllomedusinae #CriticallyEndangered #EndangeredSpecies

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Argentine Horned Frog, #Ceratophrys ornata. This particular #CelebrityFrog was in the Atlanta news when it had its 30th birthday. My first interaction with this guy was when I underestimated him and he latched right on to my index finger. #GeritolFrog #Ceratophryidae #HornedFrog #OldFrog #Longevity #LongevityRecord #LongevityRecords

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Critically endangered Lemur Leaf Frog, Agalychnis lemur from #Panama. These beautiful #LeafFrogs are highly susceptible to infection by chytrid fungus, an emergent infectious amphibian disease partially responsible for global amphibian declines. #Agalychnis #Phyllomedusinae #AmphibianConservation #AmphibianDeclines #frogPOD

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Phyllobates terribilis, the Golden Poison Frog from Colombia. One of the deadliest organisms on the planet. A true #PoisonDartFrog the skin secretions are still used by Colombian Amerindians for dart hunting to this day. Despite their lethality, this picture makes me laugh. They look so serious. #PoisonFrogs #Dendrobatidae #Phyllobates #ToxicFrog #Toxic #Toxin

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Sleeping Gliding Leaf Frog, Agalychnis spurelli in the #frogLAB The beautiful eyelids of the #phyllomedusine frogs may serve as elaborate camouflage while allowing a sleeping frog to remain vigilant ... #requiescence

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Granular Glass Frog, Cochranella granulosa today in the #frogLAB #GlassFrog #Centrolenidae #Cochranella #CaptiveBreeding

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Parental care in the azureus form of Dendrobates tinctorius, the Tinging Poison Frog. #PoisonFrogs ( Family: #Dendrobatidae ) typically lay their eggs terrestrially and transport the tadpoles to water once they hatch. Pictured here is the father with a single tadpole on his back. #ParentalCare #TadpoleTransport #Dendrobates #CaptiveBred #CaptiveBreeding

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Our Amphibian Conservation Program featured on the other side of the Planet!

Profile of the last known Rabbs' Fringe-limbed Tree Frog, Ecnomiohyla rabborum yesterday in the #frogPOD #Ecnomiohyla #Ecnomiohylarabborum #Hylidae #Endling #Endangered #EndangeredSpecies #ExtinctInTheWild

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#LeafFrogs The sub family #Phyllomedusinae is a beautiful and interesting group of tree frogs from Central and South America. We are fortunate to be working with 8 species of these incredible frogs in our Amphibian Conservation Program. #Agalychnis #Cruziohyla #Agalychnisannae #Agalychnismoreletii #Agalychniscallidryas #Cruziohylacalcarifer

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Profile of the same adorable #GlassFrog from the previous post. #Hyalinobatrachium #Centrolenidae #frogPOD

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I don't know, this might be the cutest frog I know. Tiny #GlassFrog with the huge name | Hyalinobatrachium colymbiphylum from #Panama # Hyalinobatrachium #Centrolenidae #frogPOD

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A clutch of critically endangered Lemur Leaf Frogs, Agalychnis lemur close to hatching in the #frogPOD ... We have donated more than 400 Lemur Leaf Frogs to labs and institutions working in amphibian conservation in the last 10 years or so. #Agalychnislemur #Agalychnis #Phyllomedusinae #LeafFrog #captiveassurancecolonies #CaptiveBred #CaptiveBreeding

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