
Showing posts from April, 2016

A digital illustration of one of my favorite species, the Argentine Horned Frog. #Ceratophrys ornata I painted this piece in PhotoShop and the model was this amazing frog from the collections here at the Garden. 1) this frog was a celebrity and was in the local paper when we celebrated his 30th birthday! He got an extra roach that day. 2) I greatly underestimated this frog while feeding it and it jumped up, said screw it to the roach I was holding on forceps, and latched onto my finger. I have a tendency to love grouchy frogs who think they are tougher than me. I love them a lot. Image 3/10 from the '10 beautiful frogs of the world' article coming out this weekend on #GrouchyFrog #HornedFrog #AngryFrog #ManEatingFrog

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The Amazonian Fringed Leaf Frog, #Cruziohyla craspedopus. A rare and mysterious frog from Peru. This species breeds in tree holes and rarely come to the ground. These frogs have elaborate fringes on their legs, and together with their complex #camouflage are virtually invisible to predators. These #nocturnal frogs sleep in plain view on top of sturdy leaves in the forest canopy. Image 2/10 from the article on rare and beautiful frogs which will be published this weekend on the Care2 site. #LeafFrog #LeafFrogs #Phyllomedusa #Phyllomedusinae #Hylidae

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The Black-legged Poison Frog, #Phyllobates bicolor from Colombia. This species is one of the most lethal of the #PoisonFrogs and one frog can kill several humans, just by touching it I am currently working on an article of beautiful as endangered frogs of the world so I am going through my images over the last few years. This picture was taken through the glass with my old HTC EVO.

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The nocturnal #Black-eyed Leaf Frog #Agalychnis moreletii is a #CriticallyEndangered #LeafFrog in the subfamily #Phyllomedusinae I love working with this species which we are able to do thanks to our partnership with the #ManchesterMuseum and @adamwbland ... That's why I thought I would feature one for my #600thPost @atlbotanical #atlantabg

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Orianne Society's new Species Coordinator for Long Leaf Pine Savanna (our friend and partner) Houston Chandler

I met Houston when he joined us to sample for Frosted Flatwoods Salamanders a few weeks ago out at Fort Stewart. I really enjoyed working with him and hearing about his research and new role at the Orianne Society. Here is an article introducing him and his new position. Houston with something slimy in tupperware Here is a link to the article.

Tiger-leg Monkey Frog, #Phyllomedusa tomopterna on exhibit in our 'Frogs of Suriname' display Tiger-leg Monkey Frog rivals the Red-banded Crevice Creeper for coolest common name for a frog. #Phyllomedusinae #AtlantaBG #CoolestCommonName #MonkeyFrog

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Excited for the national Salamander Biology, Conservation and Management Course which starts tomorrow! The course is sold out - so between faculty and students will have 35 salamander loving professionals. The symposia abstracts will be published online a week or two after the course ends. This course will be held at @atlbotanical and @zooatlanta and the last day will be in the field in North GA at the Wharton Center. #salamander #salamanders #SalamanderBiology #SalamanderCourse #SalamanderConservation This picture was taken by renowned herpetologist Kurt Buhlmann at Fort Stewart sampling for #FlatwoodsSalamanders a couple of weeks ago.

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A young #Red-eyed Leaf Frog, #Agalychnis callidryas from the Firestone region of Costa Rica. A. callidryas from this region have deep maroon eyes and orange/ cream colored stripes on its flanks. #LeafFrogs #Phyllomedusinae #LeafFrog #CaptiveBred

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The amazing ventral and lateral coloration of the Red-eyed Leaf Frog, #Agalychnis callidryas. The blue/purple hue on the legs and flanks are characteristic of #LeafFrogs from the #LaSelva region of Costa Rica. These are some of the most beautiful of all the Red-eye morphs. #Agalychniscallidryas #LeafFrog #Phyllomedusinae #CaptiveBred

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The Metro Atlanta Amphibian Monitoring Program website and resources for our 'backyard amphibians'

The website contains images of all 28 species of urban frogs and salamanders in each life stage (adult, larva, juvenile, egg). It also contains frog calls and videos to help you identify what species are in your communities. It also has instructions for how you can become a 'citizen scientist', monitor amphibians in your neighborhood and submit data to the program. For more information or to visit the site, click here

Critically endangered Lemur Leaf Frog, Agalychnis lemur from Costa Rica. #CriticallyEndangered #Agalychnis #LeafFrog #LeafFrogs #Phyllomedusinae

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The beautiful Black-eyed Leaf Frog, #Agalychnis moreletii today in the #frogLAB. I had a great time showing @deadsnake_greg and his wife around the Garden and amphibian collections today. #LeafFrog #LeafFrogs #Phyllomedusinae #CriticallyEndangered

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A gorgeous and grouchy-looking Mole Salamander, #Ambystoma talpoideum. A. talpoideum is potentially found in the Metro Atlanta region, though none have been detected yet by our amphibian monitoring surveys. If you find one in or around the 285 perimeter, please report it to #MAAMP #AmphibianMonitoring #CitizenScience #MoleSalamander #GrouchySalamander

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A Great Article about Frog Tongues and Feeding - one of my favorite topics!


Granular Glass Frog, #Cochranella granulosa in the #frogLAB

A #nocturnal species, this Frog is wide awake and perched out on a leaf #GlassFrog #CaptiveBred #CaptiveBreeding #AmphibianConservation #NoFlash