
Showing posts from March, 2019

Here is the graphic 'in situ' at the conference! It's rather exciting to see it up on the big screen :) What an amazing conference (as always). I am honored to serve on the Steering Committee. #SEPARC #SEPARC2019

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I haven't been on social media for a while — Feb-April is turning out to be the crazy time of year for us at the Amphibian Foundation.⁣ ⁣ Field research, conferences and the Atlanta Science Festival all happening at once. A lot of coffee makes it possible.⁣ ⁣ (1) Starting with SEPARC in Feb, which also marked the 9th year in a row I had the privilege of drawing the conference graphic.⁣ ⁣ This year, an Eastern Box Turtle!⁣ ⁣ #SEPARC #SEPARC2019 #Terrapene #Turtle #BoxTurtle

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@crystalmandica Co-Founder of the @amphibianfoundation is looking #HappyAF to be holding a young Smokey Jungle Frog (Leptodactylus pentadactylus) just donated to the AF by the Living Planet Aquarium! #Frog #Frogs #Frogger #Froggy #FrogsOfInstagram #FrogLife #AmphibiousAF #AmphibianFound #FrogsNeedOurHelp

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Great and Recent Footage of Gopher Frogs calling at Sandhills WMA

Recently, Erin Cork of UGA and colleagues recorded this wonderful video which captures the lovely snoring calls of Georgia's rarest frog — The Gopher Frog ( Lithobates capito ) . There are at least 2 other species of frog in the background as well — can you tell what they are?? Survey frequencies and scope have increased this year in response to the continued decline of the species throughout the state. Sandhills WMA for example, is one of the source ponds of eggs for the now decade-long Head Start program, where eggs are collected and reared past the sensitive tadpole stage and released into protected habitat as froglets. In recent years, however, detections have declined, and this is the main reason that the Amphibian Foundation, in partnership with Zoo Atlanta, GA DNR, UGA and USFWS have begun establishing a captive propagation program. If we can produce healthy baby Gopher Frogs at the Foundation, then we don't have to rely on wild collected eggs for the conserva...

Status Update: the Atlantic clade of the Frosted Flatwoods Salamander

If you only know one thing about the Amphibian Foundation, I hope it is that our highest priority research program focuses on the conservation of the Frosted Flatwoods Salamander , Ambystoma cingulatum . After all, our logo is a larval Flatwoods Salamander! AF is working hard to develop a captive propagation program for the species, and currently holds the only captive colony in the world. This captive propagation colony is a small, but important part of a larger recovery program that involves many talented and dedicated partners. We are all working together on a complex problem that is the catastrophic decline of the Flatwoods Salamander. A wild caught larval Frosted Flatwoods Salamander from Fort Stewart, Liberty County, GA USA Flatwoods Salamanders were once common throughout the coastal plain of the southeastern US — from South Carolina southward through the coastal plain and then across Florida into the panhandle. Since 2000, however, Flatwoods Salamanders have declined...