Amphibian Program Volunteer Field Trip to Arabia Mountain

A great turnout and a great time for this season's Amphibian Volunteer Field Trip today to Arabia Mountain. Back row: Stephen Mottram, Kirill Chernoff, Ryan Schultz, Ed Wilson, Steve Bowling (Conservatory Staff and our guide!) Jake Hutton, Anita Wallace, Leslie Phillips (Amphibian Specialist), Chase Mandica, Megan Oliver, Walter Tunnel-Wilson. Front row: Me, Anthony Mandica, Lauren Melde (photographer: Crystal Mandica)
Beautiful and interesting landscape at Arabia Mountain. Steve (Bowling) was able to teach us so much about the geology, history and botany there
Anthony caught his first fence lizard (Scoleporus)

We used a field scale to try and get a weight on the tiny lizard

Cicada moult on my nose

Another pic of the group


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