Our Rabbs' Fringe-limbed Tree Frog's image and call projected at the Vatican yesterday as part of the Extraordinary Jubille of Mercy

Vatican projects huge images of wild animals on to St Peter's Basilica to highlight conservation issues. http://bbc.in/1YXa2PQ
Posted by BBC News on Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Here is a clip from St Peter's Basilica at the ‪#‎Vatican‬ yesterday ... 'St Frank' has always been my favorite with his passion for animals. I think it is a bold and courageous move for Pope Francis to not only allow the powerful images of these endangered animals to be displayed but also to include this event as part of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy ... over a million people were there. This clip contains a picture of the last known Rabbs' Fringe-limbed Tree Frog, which resides here at Atlanta Botanical Garden (‪#‎atlantabg‬) and includes the call I was able to record of him last December. The first time the species was ever recorded. His story is so sad, potentially being the last of his species, but his story is getting out there and strengthening the conservation message of what amphibian declines are trying to tell us thick-skulled humans.


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